Sunday, March 24, 2013

Beginning the farwells to my forevers....

Let's be honest: I really hate saying good-bye to people I love. 

I am a natural sanguine at heart, so the more people in and around my life, the better.

A new journey begins for me this week...saying good bye to some special people who God foreknew to intersect my journey of faith before I was even born. And that was a long time ago.

This week, I will begin a new journey of faith and ministry in Knoxville, TN, saying goodbye to my beloved forever friends and family here at Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, AR.

While these short 4 years have seemed like 20 in a really good way, my heart is overflowing full of God's grace to me through these beautiful friends and family. Several years ago, there was a time when I thought ministry and serving Jesus was over for me. You see, I was a mess. Broken. Torn up. A train wreck that has gotten off course. But then something great happened to me. I read Ephesians 2 and these words LEAPED off the page...

"But God....."

 A divine revelation.  A divine providence. 

And restoration began while God led me to a beloved place to serve called Fellowship Bible Church.

A phrase that began a new chapter of my life in Little Rock, AR and propelled me on a path for his glory alone.  At this place, God has allowed me to grow, learn, and be challenged in areas that I needed. He humbled me and gave me opportunity to live out His calling through serving and discipling women. 

Redemption and restoration came, and haven't gotten over it. I pray I never will.

Because of serving Jesus with such lovers and disciples of God here, I am a better pastor, minister, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. I love Jesus more and am committed to His glory to be seen not in just the "pretty" things of my life, but in the mess, the train wrecks, and crazy. 

So today begins the good byes.  As I move to Knoxville at the end of this week for new avenues of ministry, my heart is overflowing with such love and thankfulness for these "forevers".........people here who will be forever in my heart. 

I've been surrounded by some of the greatest servant leaders in this world here.  
Beloved friends, your strength, love, and challenge have helped me find God's purpose for my life. I am better because of having served Jesus alongside you, and you forever have left imprints on my heart and life for His namesake. Thank you.

May your hope always be rooted in the treasures of our great God.
It's for HIS glory alone!


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