Sunday, March 24, 2013


Welcome friends!

As we begin this journey together, I hope you'll pull up a chair, grab a cup of your favorite drink, and let's begin to connect.

I have to be honest: I'm a bit intimidated by beginning this blog. But as God continues to grow me, I pray God will grow and nurture you in ways you never thought He would or could.

My prayer is that you and I will love Jesus deeply, serve him with purpose, & His glory would be seen in our lives. It's to His GLORY alone!


  1. God, in his very nature, is relational, as expressed in the Trinity. Nancy, I have seen God use you for HIS fame and for HIS glory THROUGH you. How?
    * In how you are relational, and how you love and "love on" people. Relationships are a priority for you, and your relationship with Jesus is paramount.
    * In the way you love his WORD. You know his Word and you share his Word.
    * In how you share Jesus. It is evident that he is the treasure of your heart.
    I will miss you sweet, wonderful Nancy! Praying that you continue to know God's favor as you are obedient to his call on you and your journey with him.
    Your sister in Christ,
    Dana Tull

    1. Beloved Dana, thank you for allowing God to use you to touch my life in so many ways! Asking him to continue to bless you, and make his face shine on you! You are forever in my heart! you are so loved!
